DaVinci Resolve API – Sample Python Scripts by AlexTheCreative


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The DaVinci Resolve API Python Scripts by AlexTheCreative are a great way to get started quickly with the API. The scripts are already typed out for you, and they are also powerful examples that you can use to get started with your own creativity.

What makes DaVinci Resolve a unique player in the world of video editing is its ability for automation. You can control a great amount of parameters for video post-production, rendering, editing and more with the use of Python and a simple command line.

Forget about repeating yourself over and over again and start automating your workflows. This is the perfect starting point for post-production facilities or independent editors or colorists looking to get their feet wet on how to program the DaVinci Resolve API and learn quickly by example.

If you are a social media agency representative and have to create video content on a regular basis, automation is fundamental in creating a positive ROI in the long term for your agency. Don’t repeat yourself every time, instead learn how to automate the repetitive parts and free yourself to be more creative!

Most of these scripts are shared freely as part of the training series in DaVinci Resolve at the AlexTheCreative YouTube channel. But if you want to save time and most importantly, not have to type those scripts by hand, you may purchase them today for the price of a couple of cups of coffee!

DaVinci Resolve API Sample Scripts included:

  • 1-LoadDavinciResolve.py
  • 2-Add-to-render-q.py
  • 2-AddFilesToMediaPool.py
  • 3-CreateSubFoldersFromPath.py
  • 4-ApplyLutToCurrentTimeline.py
  • 5-CreateTimelineFromCurrentMediaPoolClips.py
  • 6-CreateTimelinesFromMediaPoolFolders.py
  • 7-RenderTimelineClipsWithPreset.py
  • 8-RenderMultiTimelinesWithPreset.py
  • 9-SetMetadata.py
  • 10-CreateSubFolderForVideos.py
  • 11-CreateTimelines.py
  • 12-CreateTimelinesFromEachMediaPoolClip.py
  • 13-DuplicateTimeline-withClipsFromMediaPool.py
  • 14-CreateTimelinesFromPath.py
  • foundation.py

I wish you a future full of Automation!