Hi There!

I’m Alex Centeno and for the last 20 years, I’ve been helping entrepreneurs and marketing directors create real results with their digital media strategies.


Creative Director and Strategist

When it comes to creative direction, I have seen it all. My mission is to help people that want to leverage digital tools to improve the world, their lives and the lives of their families.

When I first started I had no idea how websites worked, and I was amazed by how the Internet was full of potential; yet I didn’t know how to use any of it.

For the last 20 years I have tried my own businesses, and failed many times. Along the way, I’ve learned a thing or two about how digital tools actually help businesses succeed.

I’ve had the incredible opportunity to help government agencies, universities, big and small businesses, and individuals with their websites and their digital marketing strategies.

My journey today includes running my own creative agency, training people on how to use digital media for marketing and passing along what I have learned, all to the glory of my master Jesus Christ.

My Projects

Right now I am involved in several projects including the following:


Merkados™ is our creative agency, specializing in Website Design and Digital Marketing. I started Merkados™ in 2004 (18 years ago.) I have always been passionate about digital media. Since I went to business school and focused on the marketing side of things, it was only natural to use digital media to make marketing more effective.

One of our distinctive advantages is that we understand both English and Spanish audiences. So we help Spanish speaking businesses that want to offer their solutions to an English market and vice-versa.



AlexTheCreative is my digital training effort. For years I’ve been helping people that want to learn how to leverage digital tools to advance their lives.

For example a 20 year old that wants to learn how to actually design websites. Or a professional photographer that is now interested in adding digital video to his offering. Or the dad that is teaching his son how to code in Python, but wants to use it in the context of video editing and color correction.


SiteSurgeons is our initiative to help plastic surgeons with their digital marketing.

Plastic surgeons often have patients, the reason is that there aren’t many surgeons (about 7,000 in the US.)

So you may be asking why do they need digital marketing?

Because being in private practice is not just about doing surgery. Surgeons that are interested in their legacy and in their brand need help understanding strategic marketing.


Expert Digital Marketing Advice, pulling the curtain, and showing you what really works . All from the comfort of your favorite digital device...

The Website Design and Digital Marketing podcast is the way in which I share with you how digital media really works.

Friendly, relaxed, but most importantly actionable advice that will help you become the creative director/digital marketer that you want to be.

Are you ready to create an impact in your community and in the life of your family? All it takes is to use baby steps to learn all the key ingredients.

Digital Marketing and Website

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What are people saying...

"If I could sub twice I would"
"Absolutely amazing! Love this, will shoot some stuff and post the results thanks for the wealth of information as always!"
“Very nice! Well done, Mr. Centeno!”
Michael D.
"Great video by the way. you explained the steps so well. detailed and very helpful. Thanks for your help ^_^"
"This is amazing and easy to follow! Thank you!!!"
Christina C
“Thank you SO much! I spent about an hour watching other people's tutorials on this and couldn't get any of them to work for me. This one worked the first time. This was great!"
Ashley S
"Thank you for the tutorial. I have been searching for the answer on how to do this type of design composition. I've seen it before many times in adverts, but never new how to get the effect. Thanks again!"
Charles B.
"Could somebody just give this guy a kiss for me, OMG so interesting, knowledgeable, straight forward and very professional. Thank you seriously, Thank you!"
Emma K

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Alex Centeno